Title | SOC Code | Category | Typical Education | Work Experience | On-the-Job Training | Total Jobs | Average Hourly Wage | 10-Year Total New Demand |
Computer Network Support Specialists Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), cloud networks, servers, and other data communications networks. Perform network maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with minimal interruption. Click on title to learn more | 15-1231 | Computer and Mathematical Occupations | Associate's degree | None | Moderate-term on-the-job training | 4,098 | $41 | 3,404 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians | 17-3023 | Architecture and Engineering Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 1,649 | $42 | 1,827 |
Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education | 25-2011 | Educational Instruction and Library Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 9,935 | $20 | 12,343 |
Respiratory Therapists | 29-1126 | Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 2,358 | $42 | 1,735 |
Dental Hygienists Dental hygienists examine patients for signs of oral diseases, such as gingivitis, and provide preventive care, including oral hygiene. Click on title to learn more | 29-1292 | Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 4,083 | $43 | 3,503 |
Radiologic Technologists and Technicians Radiologic technologists perform diagnostic imaging examinations on patients. MRI technologists operate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners to create diagnostic images. Click on title to learn more | 29-2034 | Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 4,044 | $34 | 2,737 |
Physical Therapist Assistants | 31-2021 | Healthcare Support Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 1,989 | $34 | 3,796 |
Paralegals and Legal Assistants Paralegals and legal assistants perform a variety of tasks to support lawyers. Click on title to learn more | 23-2011 | Office and Administrative Support Occupations | Associate's degree | None | None | 8,659 | $32 | 9,949 |
Additional training can increase earning potential
The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federally funded program designed to support jobseekers in obtaining industry-specific credentials and/or certifications that help them secure employment and increase their ability to earn higher wages.
Use the table below to explore jobs that quailfy for WIOA- funded occupational skills training. WIOA participants seeking training in an occupation not on this Demand Occupations list may discuss the appropriateness and relevance with their career advisor.
WorkSource Metro Atlanta provides occupational specific skills training for industries that are stable and provide opportunities for career growth.
Demand Occupations
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